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Intredo Team

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The impact of emotions on purchasing decisions
2 min read

The impact of emotions on purchasing decisions

Almost every decision made by the consumer is motivated by emotions. Evoking specific impressions allows you to influence purchasing decisions and build positive associations with the brand. Through the skillful use of emotions, we allow ourselves to consciously guide the person on the other side of the screen. When designing processes and user experiences, we […]

Storytelling in marketing, or why good stories sell
3 min read

Storytelling in marketing, or why good stories sell

When a copywriter wants to effectively motivate recipients to a specific action, he should definitely reach for appropriate, targeted storytelling. Not only children love fairy tales… What is storytelling? A narrative of a specific story, a narrative full of emotions, wrapped around the hero or heroes with whom the recipient can identify. Dry, bland, colorless […]

How to create effective marketing campaigns?
2 min read

How to create effective marketing campaigns?

Probably one of the most important aspects of the company’s development is the marketing strategy. Is it enough to have a good product to appear on the market? This is certainly a pillar of success, but an effective presentation of the product or service is also necessary. Such that customers find your offer among competitors’ […]

I am a Junior in IT – now what?
3 min read

I am a Junior in IT – now what?

Read about things you need to avoid before searching for your first IT job and to focus on as a junior developer. There is a time in every programmer’s career when he or she becomes a junior. In theory, a junior is someone who has basic programming knowledge in a given language and can use […]

How to start journey with Online Marketing
4 min read

How to start journey with Online Marketing

The world of online marketing knows no boundaries, creating a real ocean of possibilities. Robert Baumann, Director of the Innovation Department reveals how to make a good impression on an interview. In my media career I successfully managed to employ, introduce and train numerous talented people. I am always proud when a person I had the […]